Monday, August 22, 2011

This is It

After much stalling I am now gathering my unneeded crap into piles of garbage so I can actually pack up the stuff I still want to keep. I'll be moving to Portland next week and I'm excited, but the logistics behind moving (especially so far) is a headache. Most of my things will go UPS to my parents place in CA, and we will drive ourselves to Oregon after I fly in (after some time to rest).

People here keep asking me why I want to move to Portland. I keep saying "It's the weather" but that's only part of it. Still, it proves my point when the weekend forecast is predicting a category 3 hurricane sweeping into the southeast, and my flight out just happens to be the morning it arrives! Damn, I hope it turns out back to the ocean. Yeah, Georgia can keep the humidity, the heat, the thunderstorms, the tornadoes and hurricanes (it snows too, but I like snow).

I'm looking to have a more active social life outside of work too. There is so much to do in Portland, not to mention the mountains, the coast, and Seattle and Canada are a short drive away. One of my favorite comedians, Maria Bamford, is going to be in Portland this weekend, but sadly I won't be there yet. Eventually she will come back, and there are other acts, bands, etc. that I would like to see in my town. Now I can!

I'll definitely miss the people I've known while here in Georgia. I never wanted to start a Facebook, but so many folks have requested it and I think I can enjoy it now that I have people to keep in touch with. It's going to be hard to leave my best friend behind, but we can still have fun talking on the phone. There is a good chance some of my friends will come out to visit, and one day I will visit Georgia again (my sister still lives here). After that, I'm looking forward to meeting new friends in Oregon.

I'll get the Facebook running later this week. I'm looking to take lots of pictures, and I'm planning on keeping a tally of the unique things I will see in Portland. Should be fun!


june said...

I bet you'll have a lot of fun in Portland with all the activities, the change of scenery, and so on. Sometimes a fresh start is good.

Yeah, sign up for FB. Maybe even Twitter. I don't use FB too much, but it's great even just as an address book.. and it's fun to see occasional updates about people's lives. Only so much can be communicated through texting... so an occasional FB photo album is fun to see. You can Skype with GeorgiaGirl (I can't remember her nickname) and the others, too.

Pictures are a must. Don't forget to take pics of your current place and friends. Throw yourself a going away dinner. That's one thing I didn't do before my moving and wish I had. That'll be nice that you'll be closer to your parents. And the mountains. And other Portlandy fun crap.

Matt said...

Well I had a dinner with my coworkers this week at a fancy gimicky place. It was good food, but I was sad that we sat so far apart because we couldn't talk together.

I'll stay Friday at my sister's house before I fly out early Saturday.