Saturday, June 25, 2011

No More of This

Guys with girl's haircuts: this needs to end NOW!

I've ranted about inconsiderate shoppers and burnt Cheezits, but the shit is about to hit the fan. I'm not hateful against homosexuals, I don't believe everyone just chooses what sex to be attracted to, but I do believe it is a choice for a straight man to dress up like a woman and I just think that is a stupid choice to make. I don't mean cross-dressing either, I'm talking about the metrosexuals. It seems like the purpose of this style is to be as androgynous as possible without hinting at your real sexuality.

What does this style look like? It begins with the hair. Messy hair that's been stylized to look messy at any hour of the day. Uneven bangs that split down the face like a tear or a pear (lots of emo kids have these) and closely trimmed around the neck and shoulder area. On a woman these styles look fantastic, on a man they look clownish and effeminate. There may be highlights or one color, usually black, but it all says the same thing to me: hey man, girls are attracted to guys who look like 13 year old girls.

A man should not spend so much time and money on his hair. And do women notice a man's hair first, or something else? Men are competitive, does this mean now that guys are competing for the most sissified haircut?

Keep your damn skinny jeans and v necks, stop acting like your 13 year old sister! Sadly, I have a friend who thinks the metro dude is sexy. I try and remind her "Yeah, but he may be bi-sexual, and you aren't changing that. He is most likely a conceited fool." I find it discouraging that straight girls are attracted to gay men, even if they know they are out of the closet. Looks aren't everything, and if he isn't interested in your anatomy I don't see the point. A straight man is never going to be what that gay man is: another woman, with a penis.

Is that crude or offensive? I don't mean it to be, my point is that a man is never satisfied by just being friends with a woman. If a man is interested in you he wants what you got, but you can still be friends, he just won't be satisfied unless you put out. A gay man doesn't bring that kind of pressure, he isn't interested, so in that way he is another woman who shares a woman's sexuality.

This makes me ponder what gay men think of this look on straight men? I think of that show, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and what was the point of that show? If a gay man hits on a guy sporting a metro look, and it turns out he does it for the chicks, doesn't that frustrate him?

If more women are turned on by this look, I can almost understand the trend that follows. It is true that men will do some stupid things to get a woman's attention. How about these classic suggestions: learn a trade, be handy, be polite, and make some money so you could at least afford a family even if you aren't ready to have one. Oh, and cut that stupid fucking girl's haircut off your head, you wuss!


june said...

I usually notice a guy's smile and/or eyes first. Someone could be gorgeous but a prick, and I don't find that attractive. Or, someone could be smiling and friendly and he seems hot.. just because of that.

If a guy spends longer on his hair than I do on mine, that's a problem. I like a guy fixed up and don't mind a somewhat desheveled look, but.. there's a limit. Highlights in guys hair... um, in general, I don't like it. There was at least one guy in high school that it actually looked good on... but he would've looked good bald.

I don't know too many straight meteros. I've had some trendy gay guy friends, and they're into style.. and it works for them. They looked nice. But I wasn't all like "damn, give me some of that."
Maybe some people want what they can't have, but.. yeah. When we would go shopping, somehow he could usually tell if the guy behind the checkout counter was gay or not.

It can be easier to be just friends with gay guys.. since they're not interested. But, I've had some just friend guys and that can work.. so long as you're not each others type or think of each other like a brother/sister.

I like those suggestions of a guy being polite, a gentlemen, supporting himself, and all that. I like to think nice guys win in the end.

A straight guy in skinny jeans grosses me out. Come to think of it, a girl in skinny jeans kinda grosses me out, too. Most people can't pull that look off. I usually don't like the "edgy" trends.. like.. hair feathers. I don't get it. Or, long shirts and tights. Um, ew.

You gotta find an example of this hair cut.

Matt said...

Justin Bieber, it's more like a lesbian haircut, and he is young, but it looks feminine to me. Then we have Ryan Seacrest, his hair is full of weird highlights, but it is short like a man's hair. What about Chris Angel, the goth magician dude? He's got highlights, long locks and that tear shape style:

june said...

I don't understand the whole Bieber thing. How did that kid even get popular? As for Ryan Seacrest, how old is that guy? He looked oldish at a New Year's event I saw him at... if it was really him. People around me said it was him, but without the blonde highlights and orange tan, he didn't look the same.-

That goth magician looks like a confused teenage girl.

Matt said...

It's also worth noting on this topic the notion that the guy should look as good as or better than his woman, like with Seacrest. If the amount of makeup they wear together at the same time could be weaponized, it would surely devastate several city blocks and leave only a toxic fallout for years.