Monday, June 6, 2011


Got to love that You Tube. Most of the time I only interact with sane polite people who I can relate to. I don't often post controversial comments, but sometimes I have to chime in on a heavy subject, and I never hear back on any of these. To my surprise, instead I see more random replies to what seemed like totally innocuous comments, like these.

The video is by a female gamer who is into WoW, a parody about giving advice to men who want their wives or girlfriends to play WoW.

My comment was "
Very nice. Now if you could teach us how to trick ladies into playing Minecraft, you might become a millionaire!"
My comment was meant to reflect how WoW has a more diverse core of players while Minecraft appeals to very nerdy guys with too much time on their hands (including me).

Today I see these replies from some random person, who sounds strangely like a spambot (who is trying to sell BDSM? I don't know):

***male feminist supporter talking to male unknown !

ladies won't understand create power supply, collect wealthy minerals, construct military buildings, keep the power supply high for the ammunition and the fuel in the military vehicles, solve a riddle of many strengths of many soldiers with many weopens and vehicles many speeds thick and thin armour, etc=COMMAND AND CONQUER GAMES to play online with close friends against AI players !

ladies enjoy life, males construct civilty.

ladies won't want free gifts, ladies want money to spend for herself and her household!

i am male and i know that ladies should have fun and lots of parties !

i know that males should be the servent for feminist ladies and seduce them into oral orgasms and BDSM !

oral is a version from BDSM ; )

BDSM is a fantastic massage all over the body, extreme BDSM always leads to injury !

LADIES LOVE THE NINTENDO DS (mind solving games) AND THE NINTENDO WII (sport games) ONLY !***

Huh? I like the part that calls me "male unknown", like a terrible Sci-Fi movie. "Security alert! We've got an unknown male in sector 6!" I also like how they can claim "ladies only love the DS and WII" despite the fact that the woman who posted this video plays WoW on PC.

So, men build "civilty", that's why we play war games simulators? Or, just my theory, because men are very competitive with each other. And I wonder what the current Secretary of State knows about "solving a riddle of many strengths" and keeping the armed forces stocked up on supplies and military funding? Good thing she's not a woman...oh wait.


june said...

I've never played either of those. I played Second Life for about 5 minutes once, and was horridly bored.

Pupcake talked me into trying Farmville and some zoo animal game, and that was fun for a few weeks, but then I asked myself.. why? The zoo animal and fish games in particular took forever.

I like some video board games though, like "Perfection" or "Game of Life." I even have "Twister" for Wii, and "Monopoly" is fun too.

Matt said...

You're not helping me make my point here :P, you should be playing first person shooters and massive online RPGs.

I never played WoW, I don't want to. Video games are very addicting, at least to me. I can quit smoking before I quit playing. You're really not missing out on anything.