But some things can be worse, like:
- Styrofoam peanuts, left overnight, can multiply and migrate quickly. They are keen on hiding in tight, inaccessable places. When encountered with free-roaming stryofoam peanuts, run away or capture and place them in an air-tight container.
- Milk, when dropped from a height of about 3 feet, can explode from inside a container leaving splash marks as far as the living room (about 12 feet).
- Shortly after purchasing my car, I got pulled over for not having my tags. That was OK, but then I learned if you have a crack in the windshield longer than a dollar bill, you will need about 220 dollar bills to replace it.
- When I moved to GA, I got stuck at the Atlanta airport for 10 hours. The Atlanta airport likes to play the game "musical gates", where previously assigned gates can be changed at the last minute before departure.
- While I've been accepted to University, I can't enroll until late May, and because I mistook the role of the word "accepted" as "enrolled" I'm stuck paying 500 dollars rent until June when I can live on campus (as an enrolled student) paying 425 for EVERYTHING. Plus, they have a free pool table.
- The store where I work claims to be better and smarter than all other competitors, but even when I apply my 10% discount their cost for groceries is still higher than their main competitor!
- I was seven minutes late on my first day of work, plus I clocked out late. Also, I lost most of my vocal capacity on that same day.
- I won't have enough money to travel and see my friend Hanne when she visits the USA for the very first time!